So life has been sailing along so quickly these days. My mom came for a visit recently which was great. The boys love their grandma! Noah is pulling up on everything. He's altering his crawl. His normal crawl is an army crawl, but sometimes he'll do a traditional crawl on all fours and other times he'll do a crab crawl, reminiscent of Joshua. He loves chewing on my knuckle as he's teething like crazy. He loves it when Joshua plays with him. He gets so excited. Here are a few short stories about Joshua.
I'm standing! |
Joshua is always talking. He's got quite a personality and sense of humor. Also adorable is the way he sorts through situations to figure them out for himself. For example, recently Matt brought Joshua to work at the end of the day. He pointed to the scrubber stack which was billowing a white plume and said "Did you know that Mommy helped build that?" Joshua looked for a second and replied "Just like Bob the Builder?" An interesting way to put it but yes, it was like Bob the Builder.
Joshua, Grandma, & Noah |
Something else Joshua likes to do when he's stalling to go to sleep and he's had one last sip of water, one last Bible story, one last hug, and one last kiss, is he'll say "I love you. You my best friend." It melts your heart and always warrants one more snuggle and kiss good-night.
From time to time I mention
the drive across the bridge. It's not really that far, but it always seems far. I think living in a small town and having children have changed my viewpoint. Anyway the other night we were crossing the bridge on our way to dinner and Joshua exclaimed "Wow! We went far!" This just further goes to show how he is always paying attention and mimicking his mommy and daddy.
One last Joshua story. We have been working on potty training with limited success. Here's a conversation:
Me: Let's go sit on the potty!
Joshua: No! It's dangerous!
Fortunately his courage can be bought with a couple m&m's.
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