Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Joshua, Noah, and the rest of January

Brothers having fun

Joshua is all about talking and playing games and making up friends. Today he was playing with his Woody the cowboy toy only he said it was "Busty" the cowboy. He and "Busty" had a great time playing in the car. And Joshua loves to play games. We recently introduced him to Chutes & Ladders which he loves... mostly because this version has a superhero theme and he enjoys assigning everyone their superhero before we play. I think his favorite part about this game is that we usually play it when Noah is taking a nap so he loves to tell us "I think Noah needs a nap and I need to play my game." even if it is 9AM on a Saturday morning.

Noah is such a happy baby. He loves dancing, laughing, and his brother. He usually falls asleep clutching one of his loveys close. He alternates between the Raggedy Andy doll (that Grandottie made him), Mickey, his giraffe, and Barney. He loves to hug and snuggle his toys. It's so precious and new to us as Joshua never cared much for plush toys. He sways and claps whenever he hears music. Joshua is also a fan of dancing, especially if he's dancing to the Big Bang Theory theme song. I can't really describe his "moves" so I'll attempt to video them and post it to youtube.

The boys are really starting to play well together. They wrestle and wrangle for the same toys from time to time but they usually work it out with few tears. It's fun to listen to them because Joshua is doing all the talking and Noah is giggling and throwing out the occasional "Da!" They are well on their way to be good buddies.

I like to read!

Today Noah is sick with a double ear infection and an eye infection. Poor baby! I took him to the doctor's office and he was a sick little fella. Fortunately he should bounce back quickly. I will comment that there was a student doctor in the room today with our pediatrician. At one point the pediatrician and I we were talking about allergies and our doctor mentioned Noah is allergic to apples, strawberries, peanuts and cashews. The student doctor turned to me and said "Really? I couldn't live! I love those foods. I couldn't imagine not eating apples and strawberries, wow or nuts." Our pediatrician tried to cover for him and casually said "Well, it's not that uncommon. I have lots of young patients allergic to strawberries and nut allergies are on the rise, though he is my only apple allergy..." He handed me the prescription, told Noah to feel better and quickly left the room. I suspect not long after that there was a discussion about how to not make the patient and patient's family feel worse about a diagnosis than it actually is, especially one that won't change, like a nut allergy. Matt and I had a good laugh about it. It reminded me of a scene in Zoolander where Ben Stiller's character said "How do you live!?!"
My Blue Angels