Monday, June 25, 2012

My Super Heroes

My boys (especially Joshua) love to dress up in costumes. We have a variety of costumes at our house and sometimes we'll go through 6 outfits in a half hour, but if it keeps them happy and protecting their mommy from the bad guys, that's probably not a bad thing.

I recently took Joshua to see Madagascar 3 and the best part was when the title sequence was playing and Joshua said "Look Mommy! It has a 3 just like me because I'm 3 years old!" And for anyone who saw it, I'll be singing "Afro Circus" for weeks!

Recently I was getting really frustrated with the swype function on my phone because it was terribly misspelling every word. Then I realized Noah had changed the language setting to Spanish. Aha! Now I'm not crazy and the phone is not a piece of junk! But I probably need to watch out for my happy, button-pusher.

My negociator was working an angle the other day.
Me: What did you do at school today?
Joshua: I did a lot of thinking.
Me: Really? What did you think about?
Joshua: I was thinking maybe we ought to go bowling. So can we?

One final story... Last night Matt was picking on Joshua who was in our bed at bedtime and Joshua sighed and told him "Everybody's being quiet, and everybody's laying down and not talking and doing what they are supposed to EXCEPT you!"  I think Daddy was one "laying on Joshua like a pillow" away from going to time out!

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