Monday, December 10, 2012

Santa visit

It has been a fun Christmas season. We had a great time decorating the Christmas tree. Also Matt and I have enjoyed the perks of having family in town. We have had to opportunity to pawn the children off, err... I mean have the boys spend quality time with their grandparents while we unpack the house, decorate for Christmas, and go shopping. Joshua got an extra special surprise on Friday when my dad, J's "fishing buddy" picked him up from school early so they could go fishing. I think they had a great time. And Noah's too young to realize he missed out on anything (and took a long nap at day care) so it was win-win for all.

Both boys really like their new school. They are learning a lot and are happy. They get happy-grams frequently sent home from school telling us some of the good things they do, i.e. reminding their friends about the rules, helping their teacher, etc. Also we are often told how well they have adjusted to the transition. We had a bit of trouble when Noah was bitten twice in his class. Once on the forehead which looked vicious and once on the wrist. His teacher told me that rather than fight back,he teared up and waved his finger at them saying "No biting! No bite!" That's my sweet Noah!

Joshua's artwork has exploded recently. He loves drawing pictures and you can really tell what they are. He's becoming quite the artist. One of his favorite things to draw is his Daddy and himself playing soccer or Joshua and Grandpa fishing. He drew an awesome picture of his Daddy - he was all brown except for the bluest eyes and what appeared to be a blue tail. It turned out the "tail" was actually Daddy's badge from work. Feeling a little jealous I asked Joshua if he could draw a picture of me. He sighed and said "ok." The next day he came home from school and handed me a picture of what looked like 2 people playing soccer. When I asked him to tell me about his picture he said it was a picture of Mommy and Daddy and Joshua and Noah playing soccer. When I asked who everyone was pointed to one person and said "That's me." Then pointed to the other person in the foreground and said "That's you. Daddy and Noah are behind you but you can't see them behind your big head." OK, so no more asking for pictures of mommy. :)

So far Noah has no fear of Santa. Joshua likes talking about Santa but doesn't really want anything to do with him. Fortunately Noah was willing to sit with Santa so Joshua decided to as well. We went to the Galleria and while the Santa looked the part, we missed our photographer and Santa from Pensacola. All in all it was a good Santa visit. Merry Christmas!

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